
Sl. No. Circular Date Circular Download
1 25/11/2016 AEI Pension Revision (Post - 2006)(1)
2 10/08/2016 Grant of Fixed Medical allowance to the armed force pensioners/family pensioners
3 29/03/2016 Simplification of Pension Procedure for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents
4 29/03/2016 Date of fixation/revision of Pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners of Arunachal Pradesh Government
5 29/03/2016 Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 pensioner-inclusion of NPA
6 14/08/2015 Grant of service element to pre 30/08/2006 released non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases
7 13/05/2015 Grant of revised rate of DR w.e.f. 01/01/2015 to the pensioners/family pensioners of Teaching and Non Teaching staff of Non Government Sponsored/Aided Educational Institute under Government of West Bengal
8 10/09/2015 Simplification of pension payment procedure -submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel along with pension papers
9 22/03/2014 Pension Circulars September 2014
10 24/02/2014 Pension Circulars August 2014
11 30/06/2014 Pension Circulars July volumn_2 2014
12 13/10/2014 Pension Circulars November 2014 volumn_1
13 18/12/2013 Pension Circulars January 2014
14 08/11/2013 Pension Circulars December 2013
15 07/07/2014 Pension Circulars July volumn_1 2014
16 06/10/2010 Implementation of new Pension Scheme
17 02/04/2011 Revision of pension/family pension,Gratuity and Commutation of Pension of Post-2006 pensioners/family pensioners



Sl. No. Notice Date Notice Download